All-on-6 implant placement
Cost minimizing teeth restoration solution
All-on-6 implant placement: cost minimizing teeth restoration solution
Implant ALL ON 6 (TM) placement is an advanced dental restoration method, allowing patients to replace all the restore all your teeth within one day while not affecting your business trips and plans in the least.
Full jaw teeth restoration helps save costs
At Dencos Luxury International Dental Clinic, the implant placement method is performed by dental expert Pham Duy Quang, MD – a well known figure in the field of oral-maxillofacial cosmetic surgery. Having been educated thoroughly at Medical University of Ho Chi Minh and trained in domestic as well as international advanced courses as well as learning and researching in his spare time, doctor Pham Duy Quang has successfully performed hundreds of implant placement cases of medium to great difficulity, especially full jaw implant cases.
With many in depth practical experiences in addition to his gentle disposition and enthusiasm, doctor Pham Duy Quang is well trusted by many customers, and is often selected when there’s a need for implant placement.
“To bring the best results to customers, we always clearly identify the facts of the situation as well as the needs in particular cases before arriving at a treatment method. All the steps are carried out with precision, according to standards, and so customers can be well assured.” – Doctor Pham Duy Quang shares.
Implant placement expert – Pham Duy Quang
Service | Cost |
Korean Implant placement | 776 – 905 USD |
French Implant placement | 948 – 1078 USD |
Neodent Implant placement | 948 – 1078 USD |
American Implant placement | 991 – 1164 USD |
Italy Implant placement | 1078 – 1164 USD |
Swiss Implant placement | 1551 – 1680 USD |
All-On-4 implants Neodent | 7000 USD |
All-On-4 implants Strauman | 10000 USD |
All-On-6 implant Neodent | 8000 USD |
All-On-6 implant Strauman | 12000 USD |
Implant placement results
The special feature of All-On-6 is allowing the patient to have a full set of teeth with the placement of only 6 implants. Clinical research shows that the the success rate of All-On-6 is as high as 98%. The placement procedure for each jaw happens within 2 and half hours. The prosthetic teeth will be held in place in accordance with a specific angular orientation to increase contact, maximizing natural bone support capacity. Thus, most treatments involving All-On-6 do not require bone transplant operations. The treatment period is also shorter, less painful and allows great savings.
The crucial factor that ensures a successful All-On-6 treatment is the technique and treatment plan. Dencos Luxury International Dental Clinic applies computer technology for every steps, including planning, treatment simulation and implant size selection in order to design the perfect set of teeth for the patient using only 6 implants.
The image taking and processing device CBCT OP300 allows the team of doctors to quickly identify the conditions of your teeth, then devise a treatment plan and calculate the most precise implant placement angle. Images obtained is one of the decisive factors allowing experts to accurately deliberate even the most technical steps of the dental implant placement procedure.
Furthermore, we have a team of highly experienced doctors, who always prioritize the benefits of customers regarding services, bringing customers the most effective and convenient solutions when selecting this excellent implant placement method.
The most advanced image taking system
Restoring the chewing capacity: upon losing all the teeth on a jaw, one of the greatest challenges is eating and chewing foods. In using All-On-4, or All-On-6, all the teeth on the jaw would be restored quickly. You can then eat all the foods you want without having any chewing difficulty.
Improving facial aesthetics: aesthetics is vastly improved with a complete set of teeth on the jaws. You will feel more confident with a strong, even and shiny set of teeth, and would smile brightly whenever the occasion comes.
Enduring restoration results: With the All-On-4 and All-On-6 technologies, all concerns regarding teeth stability would be erased. Under the condition that oral hygiene is appropriately maintained, the implants’ lifetime would match their users’.
Preventing bone loss: All-On-4 and All-On-6 methods are most effective at preserving jawbone, preventing the breakdown of the facial muscular system. Drooping facial muscles and wrinkles around the lips area, and especially teeth loss would also be improved. Also, periodontitis conditions and oral-dental diseases would also be improved vastly.
Full jaw teeth restoration using All-On-6 implant placement solution
Care procedure after implant placement
Implant can be sustained for a lifetime. However, the durability can be affected by oral health, diet, and hygiene and cleaning habits. We wish for you to recover as quickly and comfortable as possible, therefore it is advisable to adhere the following points:
* Brush teeth as usual but limit the brushing around the operated area during the first few days after surgery until the discomfort disappears.
* Frequent mouth rinsing with salt water during the first week after surgery helps shorten the recovery time.
* Smoking greatly impacts the success rate in a negative manner, so it is highly advisable to limit smoking until the wound is completely healed.
* Beside brushing and flossing on a daily basis, schedule periodic check-ups and appointments to perform dental scaling in order to ensure implants’ durability.
This is a treatment that requires a detailed plan and a highly experienced expert to be carried out. The treatment plan is the crucial first step to ensure the safety, durability and aesthetic of the implant. Anyone who has a lost tooth (teeth) is an ideal candidate for this method, and because no bone transplant surgery is needed, this is a quick and simple procedure. A designing and operation guiding software is applied, which allows teeth restoration and implant placement to be carried out with precision.
With this solution, important bony structures and the associated nerve system would be identified and well protected.

Doctor Pham Duy Quang is well trusted by many customers because beside great expertise and having a lot of experience, the doctor always gives his all for his works, always places customers’ benefits as the highest priority, where all solutions are based on the mantra of bringing the best results and greatest customer satisfaction.Doctor
Pham Duy Quang
Implant placement & Dental cosmetic surgery expert